Vigen presented the Effectiveness and Engagement
platforms in GlobalGiving. |
"Zartonk-89" NGO, summarizing "Providing education for 150 children in Armenia" program, wanted to plan with enthusiasm and responsibly the future process and continuation of this program. Being aimed at the engagement of other regional groups and representatives, as well as valuing the significance and topicality of group activity, the program invited a meeting-discussion. The program leader Vigen Mkrtchyan, the people responsible for the regional program, the key employees of the organization were present at the meeting. The Project Leader and the Regional program leader, summarizing the program, presented during the meeting Effectiveness and Engagement platforms in GlobalGiving, their significance and value, the importance of participating in Webinars, as well as presented how (by what instruments) to get appropriate scores in order to contribute the organization's rating increase in GlobalGiving and how the scores work.
Thank you GlobalGiving! |
Hello, I am Vigen - the regional program leader and the one who is responsible for the program. Valuing the program's future process and topicality in our organization, as well as being aimed at hearing opinions and offers of the other representatives through teamwork, I invited a meeting-discussion, during which I presented the Effectiveness and Engagement platforms in GlobalGiving and the DIY Toolkit component, which, was a rapid and effective way to plan the future process of the program and to understand how to implement our program more effectively using the 4 parts of this platform. We operated EVIDENCE PLANNING component, which is a quick way to make up and improve what we are trying to accomplish with the help of our program. This component gives an amazing chance to focus on the main activity of the organization or the program and understand the values that will be reached by the organization due to proper planning of the main activity of its program by taking 4 ranges as a platform. We used this platform to get the logical evidence which, as planned, will help us to solve our problems.
Thank you GlobalGiving! |
Operating EVIDENCE PLANNING component, my organization and I learned to share easily and fast what we are trying to do in our program. It taught us to easily understand the effect of our work on our beneficiaries, society, as well as activities of our and other various organizations. We also learned to plan our future activity as a joint team. Besides, it taught us to think on how we can be helpful to our beneficiaries by using our basic interests and skills in this large world. I think this is the primary value learnt by us due to the usage of this component.
Teamwork. |
At the second part of the meeting, the other members and I answered the questions of the EVIDENCE PLANNING component and expressed the answers in pictures. The meeting was saturated with discussions, various opinions, and offers. We believe that the teamwork promotes in this way the reinforcement of the primary activity of the program, as well as the engagement of beneficiaries from other regions. EVIDENCE PLANNING component caused great interest, and we planned with the team leader of the regional representatives to include this component in other programs too.
As a result, the organization increased its rating becoming Superstar (formerly - Leader) due to team work done with high responsibility.