Zartonok-89 NGO

Progress report

Zartonk-89 NGO has increased ՛՛Providing education for 150 children in Armenia’’ project in 10 regions of Armenia, as today many children in the regions dropping off their education have to do hard works to earn their living and improve their social conditions. The organization has created Young Journalists Online Center (YJOC) that has its branches in 10 communities of Armenian regions (Vanadzor, Hrazdan, Martuni and Jermuk towns, Gandzakar, Arapi, Shenik, Shaki and Byurakan villages). Our young people from regional branches has explored and found children who don’t get basic education because of work and social bad conditions, they assist the children with private and groups trainings. All groups were given netbooks, stationeries and necessary books for trainings due to implemented projects of the organization.
Our young people of YJOC have conducted computer trainings, seminars and share their knowledge to teenagers of their communities who have hard works and are in social bad conditions.
We think that this new idea of the project “Equal To Equal Education” is more effective as it is obvious from the children’s active attendance to the trainings. 
I am Vika. I am one of the beneficiaries of Zartonk-89 NGO and as well as one of the founders of Young Journalists Online Center. I participated in implemented projects of the organization and have learned and acquired knowledge and skills in basic education as well as participated in seminars, meetings, trainings to improve important skills related to human behavior, team building, and imagination on civil journalism. I give importance to this project implementation in the regions. In the frame of the project I shared my gained knowledge and skills to young people in different rural communities. Now I share my knowledge with young people from the regions as well. I consider the case useful, fun and instructive.

I would like to take an opportunity and express my gratitude to all who helped and supported us to implement ՛՛Providing education for 150 children in Armenia’’ project in rural communities of the regions in Armenia

Progress report

In the frame of “Online Olympiad” project Zartonk-89 NGO organized visits to 10 regions of Armenia for the meeting with the beneficiaries of the project. We provided them netbooks for each region, but in Jermuk community we provided photo camera as well to realize the works more effectively. We also organized trainings, seminars, discussions with the aim of raising their knowledge level on media sphere.
The aim of the project was to assist in media research skills development among teenagers and youth with the effective usage of Information Technologies in the Republic of Armenia.
We have had progress during the implementation of “Online Olympiad” project
  • Assisted in online club creation  for 300 youth journalists in different regions of Armenia
  • Assisted in improvement of  journalism, research and creative skills for the youths with the usage of information technologies in Armenia
  • Created virtual educational environment where the new media opportunities are used with the interest of youth and information technologies are used as an active factor of the education process and they receive their answers of the questions through this environment
  • Helped youth journalists to explore the opportunities of new media usage
  • Explored and encouraged the best materials and articles of youth journalists
  • Gave chance the youth journalists in different regions for exchange and cultural experience
  • The participants of “Online Olympiad” project established online club and they get in touch with the members of online club in different regions, organize online competitions, Olympiads, round tables, seminars, meetings, make decisions and suggestions.

Our beneficiaries were 16-18 years old young people from regions of Armenia who were interested in media and journalism.
For future we have planned to carry out projects with our beneficiaries, discuss their proposals, to involve them in the whole process of proposal writing, research and its implementation.
The beneficiaries’ response to the project is very important for us. We present one of the our beneficiaries  Marianna Arshakyan’s respond from Jermuk town of Vayots Dzor region about conducted seminars and meetings in the frame of Online Olympiad project.
Hello I am Marianna Arshakyan from Jermuk town of Vayots Dzor. I am very glad for the participation in Online Olympiad project. Young Journalist Online Center was established in our community and I am a member of that center. In the frame of mentioned project I got knowledge about media, research and journalism, made new and clever friends is very important for me.
I thank the supporters of the project for this project implementation.  

Progress report

Our beneficiaries in Ararat region of Armenia
Zartonk-89 NGO had been implementing “Providing education for 90 children in Armenia” project since 2006, the aim of which was to provide basic education for those children in Yerevan who could not get education because of job to earn their living; to help them get basic education and professional skills in order they can find job and improve their social conditions of their families in future. During the project implementation we have had great success. During these years 58 beneficiaries from 100 came back to school, they have got basic education, professions and now they work with their specializations. 42 beneficiaries continuing their work have received basic knowledge with distance learning method. Today they use their gained knowledge to find best job. Recent years our organization has been actively involved in implementation process of educational reform in the Republic of Armenia. First, there were positive results recorded in educational reform, the rate of children’s classes attendance was high. But recent years the global economic crises had its negative impact on the world, as well as social-economic situation of our country, migration and the quantity of people who leave the country to work in abroad is increased and again it is obvious the children’s involvement in hard works.

Progress report

In the frame of “Online Olympiad” project we have organized meetings and 2 workshops on “The usage of social media in civil journalism” theme in 11 regions of Armenia. 
The goals of the meetings and workshops were to develop and enhance the online club of youth journalists, to raise the knowledge level of our beneficiaries in the spheres of media and Information Communication Technologies.
We have activated the youth participation in the developing process of their community; assisted youth to raise their journalistical, research and creative abilities with the usage of Information Technologies in the region; created a learning environment where the possibilities of new media are used for the benefit of young people; encouraged young journalists for the best materials and articles.    

Progress report

“Providing education for 90 children in Armenia” is an ongoing project the aim of which is to provide basic education for our beneficiaries and help them with the issue of professional orientation. During the project implementation we had great success. 58 of beneficiaries finished their school and got basic education, gained profession and now are working with their specialization. 10 of the beneficiaries are involved in our program as volunteers and in staff.

Lia who is one of the beneficiaries getting basic education and studying Information Technologies specialization disseminates information on “Providing education for 90 children in Armenia” project in our community. She sends her greetings to all donors, Global Giving that support for our important program.

Progress report

In the framework of “Online Olympiad” program “Zartonk-89” NGO's volunteers organized the online ‘ I read and…’ creative essay contest in 11 regions of the Republic of Armenia. 300 young people aged 16-18, took part in the contest. All the participants presented very good works but 20 of them have been chosen from different regions of the Republic of Armenia. The jury chose 3 prize winners’ among the 20 participants. During the choice of works they took into consideration the originality, honesty, sensitiveness, style of writing, the ability to raise the problem, artistic solution and literacy. 

So the prizes were distributed as it follows:

Progress report

For implementing the project we had 10 beneficiaries, then the number of the beneficiaries increased and 58 beneficiaries participated in our project who got qualified education, learnt their preferred specialization and now they work in different spheres.
Now 32 pupils are participating in our project, who have opportunity to complete their missed knowledge, continue their education with the pupils of the same age. 11 beneficiaries of them without leaving their job get distance learning, and 21 beneficiaries study at school. The project was effective not only for our beneficiaries, but also the organization.  
The implementation of “Providing education for 90 children in Armenia” had great progress and opportunities for our organization to participate in ongoing educational reforms of our country. The organization is also participated in the 2012-2025 strategic plan development and discussion of the Government on education and social sphere.        
Participation in these mentioned events is very important for our country to be the result of access to qualified education for all children. Providing free textbooks is also important for junior school children.
The major achievements of the project were the involvement of 58 beneficiaries as volunteers in educational, social programs organized by “Zartonk-89” NGO. They introduce their knowledge, voluntary works to involve new beneficiaries for the project and attract them in the works. We give importance for their participation in further activities of the project as they receiving support from the organization; they become supporters for the new beneficiaries who are in need. 
It is already 2 years that one of the participants of the project Mariam Tevanyan has been involving in our project as a volunteer and directs her speech to the organizers, donors and supporters of “Providing education for 90 children in Armenia” project: I am Mariam Tevanyan and I was participated in “Providing education for 90 children in Armenia” project that gave me an opportunity to get qualified education and specialization as well.  For my knowledge/skills and preferred job I thank to all supporters that ought to them I have had great success and achievements. You also gave me chance to involve in voluntary works for assisting teenagers who are in need. Thanks again to all donors, who gave financial assistance for this important and useful project.

Progress report

We continue our “Online Olympiad” project in different regions of Armenia.
The aim of the project is:
  • Assist in improvement of journalism, research and creative skills for the youths with the usage of information technologies in Armenia.
  • Create virtual educational environment where the new media opportunities are used with the interest of youth and information technologies are used as an active factor of the education process and they receive their answers of the questions through this environment.
  • Help youth journalists to explore the opportunities of new media usage.
  • Explore and encouraged the best materials and articles of youth journalists.
The volunteers of our project visit to different regions of Armenia, they organize meetings with teenagers on the age of 14-18 and youth, present the projects, inform about their problems, distribute booklets on the activity of online club. In the result the number of new members in online club is being increased. The beneficiaries participated in the project enroll in the club and begin their active participation in the activities of Online Olympiad project.  Actually our volunteers have organized “Read and …..” competition. Our former beneficiaries Mariam Saribekyan, Rubina Davtyan and Nare Gareginyan have visited to the regions of Armenia with the aim of organizing meetings. 

Progress report

 The main aim of our project was to decrease the number of people who have lack of knowledge.
During the implementation of this project we have had great success. The successful process of the project is from Global Giving donations and as well as from the local support in our country. The successful process of the project is also for the implementation of educational reform in our country. 
Currently in the framework of this project we have 32 beneficiaries. Previous years were successful as 58 beneficiaries participated in our project over the years acquired knowledge, learnt specializations. Now they work and are able to provide their well-being.
Now we work with 32 beneficiaries, 10 of these beneficiaries came back to school and continue their education at school; they also learn profession and the 22 beneficiaries without leaving their job receive basic education with distance method.   
We should mention that the 22 beneficiaries communicate difficulty with their friends of the same age, they are intolerant with each others, and they are isolated due to their hard work and social bad conditions. That’s why we organize trainings on the weekends where they learn how to develop and reveal the opportunities of self-discovery and self-knowledge, to form the responsibility, tolerance, relationship between students. These trainings are effective for them.      
I am Anahit Poghosyan. I am participated in “Providing education for 90 children in Armenia” project. I highly appreciate the project implemented by Zartonk-89 NGO, which gives an opportunity to obtain the basic knowledge that is essential for human life. Beside the basic education we got most important knowledge during the training. After the training the level of my self-consciousness and responsibility were raised, tolerance and respect were formed, learnt team work and freely express my own opinion.