Dear donor,
Due to your high impact on
this program, we continue to support the young journalists of the new
generation. They are regularly being trained and updated on
contemporary technologies as well as the rules of civic journalism. As young
people are the main part of the community, we aim to help them gain the
necessary knowledge and skills during interactive meetings.
This time we organized a
meeting with young experts entitled "Community Problems and Social
Impact". The tutor presented them on how to collect data and use them for
their research. Sometimes difficulties arise to get the necessary information,
but you have to be able to effectively use the available resources.
The last part of the
meeting was dedicated to teamwork. In this section, beneficiaries used a Toolkit. Each presented
their point of view on the work being presented. During the meeting, they also
discussed the advantages of team performance and what are the conditions of
Team Building.
Our new beneficiary of this
project, Alina, wanted to send her small message to donors.
Hi, I'm Alina. I
participate in this program for the first time. In this team, I feel very good because I learn interesting
and important things. Now, I'm ready to use my abilities in favor of the
community where I live. I thank all donors and would like to see the
continuation of this program. Thank you.