The main objective of the «Building autonomy in rural areas» project was to help and promote the autonomy of young people in 2 regions of the Republic of Armenia and in 2 villages of Nagorno Karabagh (Nagorno Karabagh is also known as Artsakh). The project implemented Zartonk 89 NGO. «Building autonomy in rural areas» project was approved on 01.11.2015, money was transfered by Otto Per Mille Chiesa Valdese on 28.12.15, but Zartonk-89 NGO received it on 01.02.16 so we started immediately the implementation of the project.
The duration of the
project was 3 months. During the 1st month we
carried out the preparatory work, certificate preparation, contacting NGOs in
Armenia (Vanadzor, Martuni) and Nagorno Karabagh (Shushi and Tigranakert),
spreading open calls in order to inform and select participants considering
participant's age, motivation and activity. In Lori region we contacted Zartonk-89 NGO's representative in Vanadzor
and «NGO center» Civil Society
Development NGO (non-governmental organization) who provided us free working
place to realize our 4 day training course. They also helped us to distribute
open call of our training course and to select participants. In Gegharkunik
region we contacted Zartonk-89 NGO's representative in Martuni and Martuni
Infotun, Martuni Women's Community Council (MWCC) NGO who also provided us free
working place to implement our 4 day training course. In Nagorno Karabagh (also
known as Artsakh) we contacted Artsakh Youth Development Center (AYDC) NGO who
provided us free working place and helped to distribute open call in order to
select participants for our training course. In each place we had 20
participants, so in 4 place in total we had 80 participants. We implemented 4
day training course in each place.
The 1st day we met with participants, presented our
project, modules of our training course, created a positive atmosphere for
teamwork and collaboration. We took a time to present that our project was
supported with funds from Otto per Mille of the Waldensian Church of Italy. The
main objective of our first meeting was creating a climate of confidence and
mutual respect between young participants. 2nd day activities were about building autonomy,
active citizenship, civic engagement, developing sensitivity and positive
critical ability towards themselves and society. 3rd day our main topics were «crisis», «stress» and «conflict», our participants discovered about of
origins of those words, had intense discussions and team working, learnt and
developed strategies to understand, manage and overcome crisis and stress, how
to transform and constructively resolve personal and interpersonal conflicts. 4th day we devoted to learning of different
educational, social, learning tools and ways to observe, rise up and find
solutions to community related issues (social media, e-learning, discussion
groups, etc). In each place in the end of the training course participants
received certificates and we had a time for feedback and evaluation of the
training course through a distributed questionnaires to fill in, it was
anonymous so our participants could freely express their opinions about our 4
day training and about our trainers. Whole training course was based on
non-formal methodology. During all the project we were distributing information
and photo reports on website of Zartonk-89 NGO, on social media like Facebook
page, Facebook group.