On May 24 “Last Bell” event was held in “Mkhitar Sebastatsi Educational Complex” and 38 beneficiaries of “Providing education for 90 children in Armenia ” project were participated in it. They were also waiting for that day like the other graduates. It was holiday for our organization, beneficiaries, their parents and teachers. They expressed their appreciation to all who supported for “Providing education for 90 children in Armenia ” project
I should mention that in their speech our beneficiaries thanked to Global Giving organization and donors.
The result of our project was that 38 young people finished school and got quality education and professions which are necessary for their life improvement.
I hope this project will continue to assist all the children who having been in bad conditions leave their education and do heavy works.
During the “Last Bell” event the graduates wear T-shirts and their friends write their greetings, wishes and interesting stories about them with color pens on the T-shirts.
Here is the picture.